Think back. How many times have we all ordered a big and juicy T-bone steak at our favorite restaurant and when the server brought it over to us sizzling with delicious aroma to our table... …
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What is a Work Cell and how does it work?
We rarely grab our favorite organic shampoo in the store and wonder "Hmm, I wonder how this shampoo was made". It's one of those things that just happens behind the scenes in manufacturing. …
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What is Six Sigma and how does it work?
Four score and seven... No no, wait. Let's make that six. Four score and SIX Sigma ago, we were all introduced to a phenomenal new way of business management strategy called Six Sigma. The …
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What is Kaizen and Why Is It Important?
When we think of the word ‘improvement’, we probably all think of different things. For a shopaholic fashionista, the word ‘improvement’ may immediately make her daydream of shopping at luxury …
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Best approaches for a balanced scorecard
Keeping score can sometimes be a fun and a competitive way of keeping tabs on personal or team progress. Whether we are cheering on our favorite football team by mentally keeping score as our team …
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What Is the OZ Principle?
"Oh stop all of that complaining"! We can remember hearing our parents tell us that as kid, can't we? Some of us can even recall how it was often just easier to make excuses for our failures as …